Consulting Services

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SF New Deal offers community engagement and consulting services for a variety of organizations and companies. Consulting services include:

  • Fiscal sponsorship

  • Community engagement for impact (corporate giving, coalition building, strategic partnerships)

  • Food access assessments

  • 501(c)3 set up services

CONSULTING HIGHLIGHT: Mercy Housing Food Access Assessment

SF New Deal is working with Onside Partners, Urbane Development and Mercy Housing to understand and assess the food access experience of current residents in Sunnydale Housing. We are leading a food access assessment engaging residents and local community members in group conversations and surveys to better inform recommendations and subsequent plans for site use to bring in small businesses and green grocer opportunities and lower barriers to access to healthy, fresh and affordable food. This assessment is in anticipation of a forthcoming affordable housing development slated for 2024.

Reach out to to learn more about how we can support your efforts.