A Letter to Speaker Pelosi from Restaurant Owner Yuka Ioroi

Yuka Ioroi is the co-owner and beverage director of Cassava restaurant in the Outer Richmond, San Francisco. Below she shares her open letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and includes a proposal informed by her own experience as a small business owner, for how to uplift and protect workers disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

“With more people being forced to choose between safety and livelihood, more people will continue the same activities to stay afloat by any means, thus continuing the spread of this deadly virus. All of us, including the immigrant and formerly incarcerated community, need to be paid adequately to stay home and to close or minimize our business operations, going back to March 2020 retroactively for those who have not received any relief.”

Read the full letter below and sign her petition on change.org to show your support.

Support Cassava’s recovery efforts through their gofundme.

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Cassava has been a beloved restaurant in the area since 2012. Ioroi is also a co-founder and is currently the executive director of Balboa Village Merchants Association. She lives with her husband Kris, who is the executive chef of Cassava, and a cat.


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